Office Ergonomics

Lady with back pain and neck pain due to poor ergonomics

ROC provides professional and experienced medically-based ergonomic solutions to our evaluations and, importantly, to our training and control solutions. Because we understand the needs of our employers, we know the importance of reinforcing your workplace principles and policies including those that pertain to the Workers' Compensation (WC) environment.

Our training approach heavily emphasizes the employee’s role in operating his or her body and adjusting/ utilizing ergonomic equipment without over-focusing on ergonomic equipment as the sole solution to "operator error". We are experts at training and office ergonomics commonly necessitates a significant amount of employee training to be successful. We give employees experienced understanding of how to manage the complexities of ergonomic health in an office environment full of job tasks that are repetitive and sustained in their effect on the body.


Virtual Evaluations
  1. These are ergonomic evaluations performed telephonically and appropriate for injury prevention of symptomatic and non-symptomatic employees. Reports are detailed including digital photography provided by the employee.
  2. Report: Ergonomic evaluation with standard report (4-5 pages with before digital photography).
  3. Includes identification of risk factors: These are issues that can cause or amplify physical problems from employee's interaction with workspace, equipment, and furniture.
  4. Actions taken onsite: These include instructing the employee in adjusting, re-orienting, and training to address observed risk factors that may be a result of seating, lighting, work equipment, work surfaces, and work practices.
  5. Training involves proper posturing, correct support strategies, and safe practices. This may involve symptom / condition-specific education and training.
  6. Customized ergonomic hand out: This is emailed ahead of the evaluation. It is issued to improve retention of training.
  7. Corrective recommendations / controls: 
    • Provide corrective recommendations of changes that cannot be done at the time of the evaluation.
    • Provide recommended equipment, if needed, from a list of commonly needed items with Universal Product Codes (UPC) item numbers. We can also assist with vendor source upon request.
Quick Check Evaluations
  1. These are Level 1 ergonomic evaluations which focus on injury prevention for non-symptomatic or mildly symptomatic employees. They target significant risk factors and core interventions. These are commonly used when employees have changed workstation or equipment. These can also be used as general Follow-up Evaluations after a prior evaluation where changes have been implemented. These are the most cost-effective when grouped with a PowerPoint training session.
  2. 15-minute evaluations with check sheet report (5 pages)
  3. Includes identification of significant risk factors.
  4. Actions taken onsite:
    • Adjust workstation to ergonomic standards and comfort including task chair, keyboard platforms, and desktop equipment.
    • Provide corrective recommendations of changes that cannot be done at the time of the evaluation.
  5. Provide recommendations for equipment, if needed, from a list of commonly needed items with Universal Product Codes (UPC) item numbers. We can also assist with vendor source upon request.
Standard Evaluations
  1. These are Level 2 ergonomic evaluations which include a high level of intervention and training. These are used for accommodation of symptoms, injuries, and/or conditions. They are appropriate for injury prevention, post injury, reasonable accommodation, and WC claims. Reports are detailed including digital photography. These are 45-60 minutes. These are commonly requested to mitigate risk factors, effectively address symptoms, and minimize the progression of conditions.
  2. Report: Ergonomic evaluation with standard report (4-5 pages with before and after digital photography).
  3. Includes identification of risk factors: These are issues that can cause or amplify physical problems from employee's interaction with workspace, equipment, and furniture.
  4. Actions taken onsite: These include adjusting, re-orienting, and training to address observed risk factors that may be a result of seating, lighting, work equipment, work surfaces, and work practices.
  5. Training involves proper posturing, correct support strategies, and safe practices. This may involve symptom / condition-specific education and training.
  6. Customized ergonomic hand out: Issued to improve retention of training.
  7. Micro-break exercise instruction: This involves instruction in appropriate micro-break exercises as needed.
  8. Corrective recommendations / controls:
    • Provide corrective recommendations of changes that cannot be done at the time of the evaluation.
    • Provide recommended equipment, if needed, from a list of commonly needed items with Universal Product Codes (UPC) item numbers.  We can also assist with vendor source upon request.
Comprehensive Evaluations
  1. These are Level 3 ergonomic evaluations which include the same intervention components of the Standard Evaluation with additional documentation and digital photography. These are commonly requested by WC Insurance Carriers to effectively mitigate and prevent the progression of symptoms with a high level of documentation. These are 60 minutes.
  2. Ergonomic evaluation with comprehensive report (7-8 pages with digital photography of risk factors and actions taken onsite).
  3. Identification of risk factors: These are issues that can cause or amplify physical problems from employee's interaction with workspace, equipment, and furniture.
  4. Actions taken onsite: These include adjusting, re-orienting, and training to address observed risk factors that may be a result of seating, lighting, work equipment, work surfaces, and work practices.
  5. Training involves proper posturing, correct support strategies, and safe practices. This may involve symptom / condition-specific education and training.
  6. Customized ergonomic hand out: Issued to improve retention of training.
  7. Micro-break exercise instruction: This involves instruction in appropriate micro-break exercises as needed.
  8. Corrective recommendations / controls: 
    • Provide corrective recommendations of changes that cannot be done at the time of the evaluation.
    • Provide recommended equipment, if needed, from a list of commonly needed items with Universal Product Codes (UPC) item numbers. We can also assist with vendor source upon request.
Follow-up Evaluations

These are cost effective evaluations that ensure that new or changed equipment is properly positioned. It is used for follow-up training to ensure durability of training. These are used to address any new developments, clarification, or explanation from the prior Standard or Comprehensive Evaluation. These are used to ensure a durable outcome. These include a brief report with digital photography.

Group Training
  1. These are small group interactive PowerPoint presentations educating employees in foundational ergonomic principles and practices. These are designed to support the employer’s principles and policies for a safe workplace.
  2. All these can be customized to your specific office environment, equipment, and needs.
  3. Types
    • Foundational Office Ergonomics Training
    • Supervisor Office Ergonomic Training
    • Prevention through Office Exercise Training
  4. 60-minute ergonomic PowerPoint presentation.
    • Includes handouts
    • Content:
      1. Cost of injury
      2. Cumulative trauma principles
      3. Anatomy
      4. Risk factors
      5. Ergonomic principles
      6. Problem solving
      7. Common equipment use / adjustment
      8. Exercise

Read our Common Ergonomic Tips to get started on preventing workplace injuries.

Contact Us Today for More Information or to Schedule an Initial Consultation

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(916) 983-5611
(916) 983-5611